Meet Nicole

My name is Nicole; I am a 28 year old teacher from Houston, Texas. For the last 7 years I have taught middle school math at a low-income school.
My very first day of summer June 3rd, 2019 I went in for a routine check and was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Three years prior I was having some digestive issues and my GI decided to do a colonoscopy just to be sure. He found one pre-cancerous polyp. It was removed and I was told come back in 3 years. So that’s what I did, I had no symptoms, no new irregularities I just went like I was told.
When I woke up, they said they had found a mass. I didn’t even know what that meant. They looked at me as I looked at them. Then I asked, “what do you think its cancer?” the doctor shook his head yes. The next day it was confirmed.
Everything seems like a whirlwind. I’ve never even had an x-ray before besides my teeth. Now I am at the doctor nearly every day. Almost immediately my oncologist recommended that I meet with an endocrinologist to find out about my options since treatment can possibly make me infertile. These are two things I have never thought about, cancer or infertility. Like most people, I never expected to have cancer I didn’t plan for it and financially I wasn’t sure how it’s all going to work.
Team Maggie for a Cure stepped in and helped ease the financial burden along with preserving the hope that when I pass through this storm one day I will be able to be a mother. I am so thankful for everyone at Team Maggie that devotes there time and finances to help strangers through such difficult times in their lives. I am also thankful to all that were impacted by Team Maggie, reading the stories and seeing pictures of others really helped me feel part of something and know that I am not alone. Thank you again Team Maggie you have blessed me with such an amazing gift.