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Meet Megan

My name is Megan Lee.

On December 6th, 2018, at 28 years of age, I was diagnosed with grade 3, ER+/PR+/HER2- Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. I had found my lump while doing a routine breast examination in the shower. I remember meeting with my breast specialist and going through treatment options, and one of her big questions was “do you have children?”. My husband and I had been married for two years at this point and were at the beginning of saving to try and buy a house. I laughed and told her no, we hadn’t had the time to get around to it. I thought I’d have more time.

Because my mass was measuring around 1.9cm, she gave me the option of having a few weeks to do fertility preservation while waiting for my genetic testing to come back instead of starting with chemotherapy right away. I opted to do fertility preservation. Two days before Christmas I got the best Christmas present I've ever received – 13 eggs were able to be retrieved! A week later I found that I was BRCA 1 positive. Once I complete treatment we will be taking my ovaries because of my increased risk of ovarian cancer.

Since then I've gone through a bilateral mastectomy in which they found cancer cells in one of the lymph nodes they biopsied, and started chemotherapy. Tomorrow will be my third of sixteen total infusions of chemotherapy. Two weeks after I complete chemotherapy I will be going through 34 rounds of radiation.

Through every bad day, every hardship experienced, I keep my eyes on the goal. I've got 13 nuggets of hope tucked away for a rainy day. I just need to complete my treatment and focus on living a healthy life so I can have the ability to expand my family. So much gratitude to Team Maggie for help in the midst of this very costly, very scary disease. I live each day knowing that cancer is just a chapter in my story – not the plot!


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