Lillian Meacham, M.D. is a Professor of Pediatrics and a pediatric endocrinologist who is the program director for the Fertility Preservation and Reproductive Health Program for the Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. She serves as the chair of the Best Practice Committee of the Pediatric Initiative Network of the Oncofertility Consortium. Her work in gonadal late effects includes being the senior char of the COG Long-Term Follow-Up Guideline Ovarian Taskforce and the Testicular Taskforce for 10+ years. She has also participated in international collaborations to harmonize long term follow-up guidelines for premature ovarian insufficiency, testicular dysfunction, fertility preservation and obstetrical care. She has over 30 years of experience treating endocrine late effects of cancer therapy and has published more than 100 papers in the field.