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Meet Rachel

Going through this process has undoubtedly affected all parts of my being. Physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, financial etc. For me, the hardest part has been trying to make sense of something that just doesn't make sense. It will never make sense. Being able to just accept this early on and lean into my amazing support system has made all the difference. Because of this, I was able to do a lot of research along with family and friends to find ways to help myself and my family in any way possible. Becoming aware of foundations such as Team Maggie's Dream feels like a blessing. Fertility preserving measures was emotionally and financially daunting, but not something I was willing to pass on. I feel relief in this process that I have the option preserved for me with the help of this amazing foundation. Being diagnosed with cancer at such a young age adds a different realm of decisions to be made. Being able to tackle these decisions early and recognize resources that just want to help has made all the difference. I am so thankful.


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